Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Day 30-My Choice-2024

 Day 30-My Choice-2024

Writing poems frees my mind
To finding rhyming words in kind
Sometimes I write funny
Sometimes sublime
All I know is, I love my Honey
He’s been in the hospital four weeks now
I want him home, don’t know the how
He’s getting better day by day
As the Lord doth allow
April ends, and suddenly it’s May
Please think of our trials, as we go along
How we can grow in our faith in God
I know we will be blessed in the end
My prayers to Heaven as a song
The Iron Rod we cannot rend!

Monday, April 29, 2024

Day 29-AcrosticPoem-2024

 Day 29-AcrosticPoem-2024

Husband healing in the Hospital
Every day he gets better
Always prayerful each day
Loving his memory of our love
It is a trial, but we have our faith
Never giving up
God is with us each day