Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Thoughts on a tree for next year.

It's been a while, but I had something happen yesterday, that I feel I need to share.
Even though I am working on the finishing touches for the tree for Festival of Trees this year, I have had in my mind that I need to find out what I want to do for next years tree, on the 10th anniversary of Hanna's death. I had also prayed about a little. Well, yesterday a friend and I went to Hancock fabrics because she needed to get some things for the Empress Theatre for costuming Scrooge and she doesn't have a car. When we walked in, who did I see but one of Hanna's former teachers at Hartvigsen, the special school for Granite District. She was there with some of the Special Needs kids for a class. I said Hi, and we talked for a minute, but she was right there at the pattern desk, so we kept talking a little more. Anyway, I decided to look through the pattern books and before I knew it, Boom, I was looking at a cute Fairy House that can be made, and I knew that's what I want to do for the tree. I had kind of been considering it, because another friend had made some beaded fairies to use sometime on a tree, but this drove it home! Then there were costumes for fairies that would be a wonderful addition to the tree. I felt Hanna's approval through the fact that her teacher was there! This was from Heavenly Father and I knew it!